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Classes Informations

Character Classes

Thaumaturgist Type

Class Types

Miracles, wonders and magic is their sole strength. They are masters of casting of magical abilities; damage to their opponents and healing & buff to their allies in AOE (area of effect) form. They can also do single shots on  specific targets. Thaumaturgist are fearsome in long range battles yet weak in close range attacks.

Power Type

Concentration is more on power aspect of damage. Uses brute force in battle to overcome. They are the masters of robust attacks and manipulates the elemental power of their weapon and turns it into a damaging force wether in close or long range.

TANK - frontline tanker takes most of the damage in battle while dps play their role to finish an opponent.

1. (HT) heavy tank =can equip more armor but do less damage to its opponent

2. (LT) light tank =equips less armor than HT but do more damage.


SUPPORT - support play their roles by healing or casting buffs to the tanks & dps while they battle at the frontline. 

1. healer =heals comrades during combat 

2. buffer =casts power ups to their comrade

3. de-buffer=casts debuffs on their opponent


DPS (damage per second) - performs great amount of damages in battle.

1. (TS) typical speed dps =frontline damager, damages opponents in typical speed and has more health than the FS

2. (FS) fast speed dps =frontline damager, damages opponents in high speed but has less health than the TS


Class Roles




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