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Berserkers are greatsword weapon users in Doubtless Death Paradise. They are slowest to attack but the greatest in making damage in melee. Berserkers are offensive class type with an average defensive capabilities. Their role is between tank and dps since they have the capacity to tank because of their extra hp and damage their opponents because of their heavy strikes.

Class named by: Mac Keystrel

Tank Role (Light Tank)

Great Sword User

weapon weight heavy

AttackSpeed:  0.58 hit per seconds

Attack reach:  2.60 meters in range

DamageHits:  13.0 damage per hit


Health: 110 maximum hp

Hp-Regen: +1 every 2.5sec

Mana: 100 maximum mp

Mp-Regen:  +1 every 5sec

Armor:  25 maximum ap

DefenseRate:  0.50 dmg absorption


Basic Melee Hitchance:  1.00%

Active Skill Hitchance: 0.96%

Body Weight: 0.40

Active skills




Fiery Rage:  Sacrifices their health to increase melee damage by 19.5%. One success hit is an enormous damage done.




Aggro Pull:  Attracts opponents within 5 meters, pulling them near the caster.




Smash: Gathers full force attack on the ground creating a massive damage to anyone near it.

Passive skills

Tenacity: in every successive hit, there is a 12% chance to add +10 to mana using melee. A resolve to their slow mana regeneration.

Buff skills




Blood For Armor:  Uses their blood in exchange for 5% armor increase.

Debuff skills


Mobility Skills


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