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Automatic Updates & it's privileges 

Mkbcult's Automatic updates

When you purchase anything from Mkbcult Weapons from 990L$ and above, your avatar is automatically added to our automated updater which will update you of your purchases if there are available and the upcoming weapons we will release in the future. There are several privileges staying in our automatic updater. 


1. Reclaim or redeliver purchased item. If in case you lose or accidentally deleted your purchased item from Mkbcult in your inventory, you can always visit us in-world and use our redeliver terminal, by clicking it you will be able to get the latest update of your purchased item.


2. Automatic Weapon Updates. Mkbcult will always announce new versions of weapons that's already in the marketplace through Mkbcult Group, Facebook, Twitter, Deviant-art and Mkbcult In-World updater. If your purchased item is in the list of having a new version you will get an update automatically without visiting us In-world. In case you missed it or accidentally discard you can always click our redeliver terminal.


3. First Hand Latest Weapon Info Update. You will also have the previlege to get the latest information of the upcoming and latest weapon available at Mkbcult's marketplace.

Remove me from Mkbcult's Automatic Updates

We made a treaty in our store policy that if you purchase a weapon from our store we will automatically add you to our automatic updates; However, some people may not want all these wonderful privileges we are offering. For those who already purchased and don't want "Mkbcult's Automatic updates" you can unsubscribe by sending us an email or message us in-world that you want to unsubscribe.

Write unsubscribe me on the message

Write Your SL full name only :

Write your active email add:

Write unsubscribe on the subject:

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By clicking send or sending us message you want to unsubscribe in-world  we will permanently remove you from our Automatic Updates and the privileges with it will no longer apply to your avatar.

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